Monday, August 8, 2016

It'll be a sad day when I am transferred!

Hello everybody!

Mom, I was just reading your second e-mail and you forgot the 'c' and 't' in sacrament so it says "sa ramen meetings." haha I wish I could go to a ramen meeting someday. It reminded me of my dinner a few days ago. I had ramen and sardines and some sort of tomato sauce all mixed together. It was really tasty. Now you may be thinking, "that's nice for him to have a break from rice for a meal." but not so. The tomato saucy ramen and sardines were just the ulam to put on our rice. hahaha It reminded me of some of the food I would eat at the farm with grandpa. Maybe you should tell him about it! haha

There was a baby blessing in our branch yesterday too! A member in our ward had the baby a few months ago. I remember seeing him just a couple days old. I've been in Aborlan for quite some time now. It'll be a sad day when I am transferred! It's so much more peaceful here than the main land. Transfer day is on August 24th, so just a couple more weeks and I could potentially be outa here. CrAzY!!!

I had a cool experience at church the other day. One of our less-actives that came was a miracle! His name is Tatay Thuco (All the old people are named Tatay). We found him only a couple weeks ago. He doesn't live far from the church, only like a 10 minute walk, but he's super old, like 82 to be exact. He hasn't been to church in many years. We first found him the Friday before last and shared a scripture with him. Last week we were able to do some service for him and pull some weeds in his garden. We were also able to visit him a couple times other than the service last week. We went to him on Thursday and shared with him about how Christ is the light and the life of the world. We hadn't even mentioned the sacrament or going to church or anything, and after the lesson as we were leaving his house he said, "Elders, I'm going to church on Sunday. That's a promise." I was so surprised. When Sunday rolled around, sure enough, he showed up at the front door, and immediately a lolo in the ward walked up to him and have him a big hug. It was so awesome. I was thinking about it last night and I think there are so many less-active people like Tatay Thuco, who all they need is a few visits to remind them that they are cared about, and then they'll come back. We've had several people here who have had almost the exact same thing happen. Just a few visits and then a warm invitation is all they need. Then when they come to church they can receive a big hug, maybe from a physical person, but definitely from the spirit. :)

Palawan Turtle Paradise

A few days ago I came home after a long day of walking and teaching the gospel and when I walked through the front door, Elder Call said, "Elder Fawesome, give me two names." I said, "Willy," and Elder Corpuz said, "Carlos." So that's what we named the turtle and crab that Elder Call and Desabille had found that day. hahaha How cool is that! We wrote our names on the bottom of Carlos's turtle shell and are going to set him free in a turtle paradise later today. Willy the crab was freed a couple days ago in the river. It's so fun having turtles running around the house again. Just like home. haha Technically we're not supposed to keep pets, but that's why we're setting him free. :) I have a nice picture that I'll send you when I have better internet. haha Now we've had a turtle, crab, frog, scorpion, and a couple cats that hang out back and nibble on the fish bones we toss out. I guess not much has really changed in the animal regard. hahaha

Willie the Turtle's cousin

I can't wait to build our kubo hut up in Kolob! There's this old man we talk to who's building his house in Isoub. He's doing it all by himself, but we help him out for a few minutes whenever we walk by. It's cool how old men can just build houses for their families all by themselves. Filipinos are cool!

It doesn't actually rain all day every day here. Often it will be a light sprinkle, but only a couple times a week does it really pour. Good thing I bought a new umbrella! 

 Maraming salamat!!! Magaling ka! parang Ash Ketchum. Mahal ko kayo!!!

Elder Fawson

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