Monday, October 2, 2017

Baptism, vudol fight, necrological service, huge holes in the soles of my shoes...

Hell everybody!!! (that's supposed to be hello by the way hahaha)

This week has been pretty nice if I do say so myself, which I do. Probably the best thing that happened was when we had hot dogs for dinner last night. It was pretty great. They were not just the cheap Tender Juicy ones that are not very good. We got the way good brand that makes your mouth explode with flavor with every bite. Not many things can top a good hot dog. Except for maybe the 2 baptisms we had last Saturday. I guess the hot dogs got bumped down to a close 2nd place for the best thing that happened this week. :)

Elder Ahn, Kier, Robert, Elder McCauley and Amalia
Amalia and Kier are officially members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was way cool. I got to baptize Kier and Elder McCauley binyaged [baptized] Amalia. It was a way nice baptism. There was a really nice turnout from the ward and the water was so clear, I could actually see my feet. Roxas was way fun, but there are a few perks of being assigned in Puerto. :)

Robert wearing his new hat to his zone beach party!

Kanina [a little while ago] was fun too. Elder Ahn and I put our violin skills to use and played a song in a necrological service (I still don't know why it's not just called a funeral here), then we quick changed clothes and went to a beach zone party where we all played volley ball, foot ball, and ate loads of food in vudol fight form. That's when you put a bunch of kanin [rice] on some banana leaves and then you put a bunch of ulam on the banana leaves, then everyone goes crazy and eats all the food with their hands like wild animals. It's probably the funnest way to eat in the whole world. Too bad Utah doesn't have any banana leaves, otherwise y'all could try it too. Oh well. :)

Elder Ahn and McCauley with Sister Porteous at the zone party!

Elder McCauley Rockin' out
Now I'll only have one more e-mail from Palawan after today. Sorry about that. :) On Monday the 16th I fly to Manila, then on the 18th I fly to St. George. I mis-counted the weeks.

I'm not got a lot of time today due to the festivities earlier, so this is going to be a bit of a shorter e-mail, but I did get all the important things in. Baptism, budol fight, necrological service, huge holes in the soles of my shoes. That about sums it up. :) Mahal ko kayo!!! 

Elder Fawson

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